The Grand Re-opening
We were delighted to welcome over a hundred people to our re-opening ceremony. Representatives from our generous donors including Cllr Janet Keen from Sedgemoor District Council, Eileen Zoers from Viridor Credits, Jeremy Walker from Thurloxton Parish Council and ??? were all on hand to help us toast the next 50 years in our new hall.
Village Hall Committee Chairman Alastair Wallace welcomed everyone and thanked all our donors as well everyone who gave their time, expertise, money and support to getting the hall up and running. A special thank you went to our builder, Graeme Murphy from GLM and his team, and to our surveyor Michael Shepherd from Shattock Associates.
Local resident and a former pupil at Thurloxton Village School, Edwin Quick unveiled a plaque thanking our generous donors including Thurloxton’s own Ryan Cove whose game changing donation, in loving memory of his wife Jo, really enabled the Committee to complete the build in one go.
The food was fabulous thanks to Sue Scott, Margaret Irish. Jenny Thorp contributions from other village cooks. And the drinks team of Alex Brown, Jonathan Glazebrook and Bruce Howard kept everyone’s glass topped up.