Local Services
Here you will find a range of local services, when contacting them please let them know you found them here.
The Alfred Jewel Benefice
The Church of St Giles Thurloxton is part of the Alfred Jewel Benefice.
Rector: Revd Jane Haslam (01278) 662429 revjane.haslam@hotmail.co.uk
The Alfred Jewel Benefice
Melonseed Design
Melonseed Design – Design.Art Direction.Photography.Branding.Signage
07392 342 891
Wild Hare Events
Wild Hare Events – We specialise in providing a boutique camping experience at many of the UK’s finest festivals. We also provide accommodation for bespoke, private events including weddings, parties and celebrations. Our exquisite Lotus Belle tents are the ‘Belles’ of the glamping world, and their unique design provides a huge amount of space and standing room. This, coupled with our luxurious interiors, gives an unforgettable experience.
07855 229568 or 07772 453444
polly@wildhareevents.com or graham@wildhareevents.com

The 4 Phases

Marketing and communications consultancy providing a business and marketing review, the development of a strategy, handling the implementation and assessment of the results achieved.
Rossanne Lee-Bertram
1 Knutscroft Lane
Somerset TA2 8RL
T: 01823 413 388
M: 07885 422 323
Web Designers
Simply Alien

Simply Alien – Your Creative Partner
Developers of the Thurloxton Village Hall website. Not only do we create websites that work, we are your partners in actually making your business or charity benefit from your presence on the internet.
01278 732654
I would like to place an advert
Please complete the form below to place your advert, we will then be in touch about payment. Your advert goes live, usually within five working days after payment.
Introductory offer £10:00 per annum